NGO & Disability School for Mentaly Retarted, Handicapped and Disabled Children with Residential Facilities ngo's in india, disability school, special schools india
Handicapped Schools in India Residential Schools in India Disability Schools India Special Schools India Special Schools India
NGO for Children with Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Autistic, Aspergers, Mentally Retarted, MR, Down Syndrome


INDIAN MOTHER AND CHILD CARE is a NON-PROFIT secular organization, with RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES, Fully Equipped with the Pre school and School Session, providing Education and Training to all kinds of CHILDREN and ADULTS with Behavior Problems and Multiple Disabilities like Autism, Slow Learners, Aspergers, ADHD, Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Hearing, Speech and Visual Impairment, etc.

Q: What is Mental Retardation?

A: Mental Retardation is not mental illness. It is a handicapping condition like blindness, deafness etc. It is defined as sub average general intelligence, manifesting during early developmental period. Intelligence comprises of memory, recognition, reasoning, verbal facility, motor competence and creativity. Impairment in the parts of the brain which are responsible for the above leads to mental retardation. Individuals with mental retardation have problem in learning. Learning is the most important skill for us to adapt in our environment. Individuals with mental retardation are unable to adapt well in their environment. They need special training to learn to adapt.

Q: What is Autism? Causes & Precautions ?

A: Autism is a severely incapacitating lifelong developmental disability that begins at birth or during the first three years of life. It affects the person s abilities in communication and social interactions. It occurs in every five out of 10,000 births. It is a syndrome, a combination of certain behavioral characteristics, which is present in varying degree of severity.

Q: What is Occupational Therapy?

A: Occupational Therapy is a method of treatment for which the primary area of concern is the patient s ability to perform functions required in day-to-day life. This method of treatment is also concerned with the social, psychological and cognitive development of the patient. Occupational Therapy is the art and science of directing man s participation in selected tasks to restore, reinforce, and enhance the performance, facilitate learning of those skills and functions essential for adaptations and productivity, to diminish or correct pathology, and to promote and maintain health.

Q: What is Hearing Impairment ?

A: As the term itself implies, hearing impairment is a condition wherein the individual is deprived of his ability to hear, either partially or completely, in one or both ears.

Q: What is learning disabilities?

A: They are the children in regular schools, who have very low scholastic performance due to their deficit in learning abilities. If diagnosed, these children are often found to have Specific Learning Disabilities.

Learning is process which requires multitude of skills. One should be able to attend, to learn, comprehend, remember and recall and respond at the time of use. Often many school going children are unable to cope with the academic pressure in spite of having optimum intellectual ability. The tentative reason for inability to cope with academics is deficit in any of the above mentioned processing skills. This condition is called Specific Learning Disability.

Q: What is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?

A: Some children have more trouble paying attention in class and completing academic assignments than others. They exhibit marked hyperactivity, learning disabilities and impulsive and aggressive behavior. It is estimated that 3 to 10% of the population has a condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. This disorder is said to be found to be present more often in boys than in girls (3:1).

Q: What is Epilepsy?

A: Epilepsy is the continuing tendency to have convulsion or seizures. It is one of the most common neurological disorders in the general population. It is treatable in a vast majority of people. Onset of epilepsy before the age of 6 months is often associated with brain damage.

Q: What is Numerology?

A: NUMEROLOGY has been an inseparable part of astrology since ancient times. It is the study of numbers, their combination and their interaction in one's life. People are numbered every where from the womb to the tomb. It is right to say that "The World is based on the power of Numbers".
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The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi


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