NGO & Disability School for Mentaly Retarted, Handicapped and Disabled Children with Residential Facilities ngo's in india, disability school, special schools india
Handicapped Schools in India Residential Schools in India Disability Schools India Special Schools India Special Schools India
NGO for Children with Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Autistic, Aspergers, Mentally Retarted, MR, Down Syndrome


INDIAN MOTHER AND CHILD CARE is a NON-PROFIT secular organization, with RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES, Fully Equipped with the Pre school and School Session, providing Education and Training to all kinds of CHILDREN and ADULTS with Behavior Problems and Multiple Disabilities like Autism, Slow Learners, Aspergers, ADHD, Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Hearing, Speech and Visual Impairment, etc.

Physiotherapy with its unique non-pharmalogical, exercise-oriented natural approach has assumed the role of non-separable entity to the treatment. Helping the special children to himself, to defeat overcome his disability and also to become an independent individual in the society this approach is particularly rewarding in rehabilitation program in such diseases as Polio mellitus, Cerebral Palsy, Peripheral Nerve Palsy etc. Splints and other Prosthesis are also very much essential to prevent deformity like Foot drop.

The movement between surfaces favor the prevention of healthy articular cartilage.

Any immobile and discussed limb (specially far a long period) tends to suffer Edema, Wasting, of muscles and stiffness of the joints with prolonged or even permanent impairment of function.

But such disasters are now rare due to appreciated Physiotherapy treatment.

This treatment contributes significantly not only in the achievement of physical independence but indirectly acts as a main augmenting force to improve vocational potentials and psychological status leading to the attainment of social security.

As it is a team-work method, General doctors, specialists like Orthopedics, ..., Speech Therapist, Special Educators, Attendants, Social Workers etc. are the members of their special team.

We no only believe in this system but also equipped with some trained, devoted ...


Physiotherapy is an integral part of Modern Scientific Medicine. It is a drugless therapy. It is dynamic Science. During course of time many more modalities are adding to this medical science. It has major role in prevention and medical rehabilitation of physically handicapped.


Scope in this field of physiotherapy is very large. It is estimated that about 10% of the population is suffering from physical disability in one way or the other. In India, many people are becoming physically disabled because of ignorance of preventive therapy and lack of professionals like physiotherapists.

Physiotherapy has major role in diagnosis, preventive and prognosis of many disorders like PARALYSIS, ORTHOPEDIC CONDITIONS, ARTHRITIS and JOINT DISEASES, CARDIO/RESPIRATORY disorders, electron physiological analysis from child hood to oldage diseases. According to WHO'S norm, every ten thousand population may need atleast one but according to one report, there are only about four thousand physiotherapists in India. As there is a lot of brain drain from India in many popular sciences, physiotherapists is also have no exception. Most of the people qualified in India are leaving to foreign countries as there is very great demand in eastern and western countries.

Early Intervention :: Special Education :: Speech Therapy :: Physiotherapy :: Computer Therapy :: Pet Therapy
Vocational Therapy :: Occupational Therapy :: Yoga & Meditation :: Play & Recreation :: What's New?




                    handicapped child


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi


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