NGO & Disability School for Mentaly Retarted, Handicapped and Disabled Children with Residential Facilities ngo's in india, disability school, special schools india
Handicapped Schools in India Residential Schools in India Disability Schools India Special Schools India Special Schools India
NGO for Children with Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Autistic, Aspergers, Mentally Retarted, MR, Down Syndrome


MOTHER AND CHILD WELFARE AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION INDIA is a NON-PROFIT secular organization, with RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES, Fully Equipped with the Pre school and School Session, providing Education and Training to all kinds of CHILDREN and ADULTS with Behavior Problems and Multiple Disabilities like Autism, Slow Learners, Aspergers, ADHD, Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Hearing, Speech and Visual Impairment, etc.

Autistic Support: serves children with pervasive developmental spectrum disorders. These classrooms primarily serve students with autism. The focus of this program is to teach academic skills, communication skills, social skills and functional skills through research-based methodologies to meet individual student needs.

Clinical and Prison Services Program: provides facility-based classes serving students throughout Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Sites include programs for students with emotional disturbance disability and severe mental health issues, for students with mental retardation and emotional disturbance with the goal of developing self-sufficiency, and for incarcerated students 21 and younger at the Lebanon County Correctional Facility and the Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center. In addition, the program provides coordination with Approved Private Schools and Interagency Coordination.

Community School Program: serves adolescents with emotional difficulties in one of five different sites in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. The program is designed to meet students academic, emotional and behavioral needs while preparing them to function appropriately in their community, in a less-restrictive setting or in employment.

Emotional Support: serves the child who demonstrates learning or behavioral problems primarily due to emotional reasons. The goals of the program are to help each child develop the academic, emotional and social skills necessary to function productively. Emphasis on applied academics including communication skills, prosocial skills and self-monitoring strategies is stressed.

Hearing Impaired Support: serves children who are deaf or have hearing losses that require classroom instruction in language and communication. Certified teachers of the deaf provide academic instruction with additional emphasis on speech and auditory skills. Students receive support services from the hearing clinician, interpreters and audiologist.

Learning Support: serves students of average or above-average intellectual abilities whose primary identified need is academic support. Individualized programming helps each student to develop the necessary academic and functional skills needed for success in the general education curriculum.

Life Skills Support: serves students with mental retardation. Classes for these students emphasize applied and functional academics, social skills, self-care, and prevocational skills. Skills are taught in both classroom and community-based settings in order to teach skill application and generalization to real-life settings.

Multiple Disabilities Support: serves students who have a combination of disabilities such as mental retardation and orthopedic impairment. The purpose of this program is to foster independence for daily living and to teach motor, social and communication skills.

Physical Support: designed primarily to serve students with orthopedic impairments or other health impairments. These students may be medically fragile or need extensive training in assistive devices. Classes for students with physical disabilities stress academic instruction, daily living skills and communication.

Summit Quest Program: provides educational services to local students and students throughout Pennsylvania. These students reside at Summit Quest Academy, a residential treatment facility. The program primarily serves alternative education students and students who are emotionally disturbed. The goal of our program is to develop independence through increased academic, emotional, and social skills competencies.

School-to-Work Program: provides community-based training in real work settings for students with disabilities. This supervised training experience may lead to competitive employment for students nearing the end of their secondary school experience.

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The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi


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