MOTHER AND CHILD WELFARE AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION INDIA is a NON-PROFIT secular organization, with RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES, Fully Equipped with the Pre school and School Session, providing Education and Training to all kinds of CHILDREN and ADULTS with Behavior Problems and Multiple Disabilities like Autism, Slow Learners, Aspergers, ADHD, Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Hearing, Speech and Visual Impairment, etc. |
The school reserves the right to refuse admission without assigning any reason to do so. |
The amount deposited towards registration and admission for a particular year will neither be refundable nor transferable to any other year. Fresh registration will be required if a child is to be given admission for a subsequent year. |
During the first year a child needs time to settle down to the new environment of hostel life, hence parents should make up their minds firmly before accepting the offer of admission. The registration charges, admission fees and annual charges are all non-refundable. |
Student s personal expenses (pocket money a/c, if any) are to be paid directly to the School by cash at the time of admission. |
In case, for any reason, a student after joining the school wishes to withdraw, only the caution money and the balance lying in the pocket money a/c will be refunded. |
In case while withdrawing a ward from the school, a parent has not been able to collect the student s belongings, this must be done within a month, failing which the same shall be distributed to the children of poor people. Likewise the security money not claimed up to one year after withdrawal, will lapse to the School. |
Children who rejoin the School late after the vacations, by more than a week without prior intimation by the parents/guardian, will be struck off the School Rolls. Fresh admission has to be sought in such cases. However, on medical grounds, once the School has been informed by the parents/guardian and a medical certificate produced at the time of rejoining, the above rule will not apply. |
Admission will not be given to a student from abroad (NRI or Foreign), without a guardian in India. Furthermore, the guardian will be required to give an undertaking that he will accept full responsibility of the student, as also, a guarantee to clear the school charges as required by the school rules. In case a guardian brings a student for admission, a letter of authority from the parents is required, before admission is granted. This condition can be relaxed if the parents provide a letter of authority to the Principal to act as their guardian along with an indemnity bond. |
Parents/Guardians of new students will not be permitted to meet the child for a minimum of three months or above following admission. This allows for the child to settle down and get adjusted to the new environment. |
A continuous effort is made to instill high moral qualities in a child but should any student persist with anti-social activities he/she will be liable for strict disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion from the School. |
A child involved in any immoral act is liable to be expelled from the School without any warning and there will be no reconsideration whatsoever. |
The School reserves the right to ask a student to leave on disciplinary grounds. The Principal s decision in this regard, will be final. In the event of the above, the parents/guardian will have to collect the ward immediately or otherwise the student will be escorted to parent/guardian s residence by a member of the school staff, in which case the travel expenses of the student and escort will be borne by the parents. There will be no refund of fees in cases where the child has been expelled or his withdrawal has been requested for, on disciplinary grounds. |
The parents will hold the institution indemnified against all claims arising through illness or accident, resulting in any sort of injury, disability or death during the stay of the child in the School, Hostel or on a Tour, Camp or Trek. |
All medical expenses are to be borne by the parents and will be deducted from the pocket money a/c, if any, of the child. |
The Principal or any other staff member, officiating as the principal, is authorized to take necessary action on behalf of parents/guardian, in case a student has to be operated upon in an emergency, or for any other emergent condition, when their consent cannot be obtained in time. |
The Residential Child's Essentials are to be brought by the parents/guardians at the time of Admission, however you could also purchase the items locally. |
Children will not be allowed to use the School telephone until and unless there is an emergency. |
Students are not allowed to keep any cash and articles like video games, ornaments, cameras, electronic items, mobile phones and other valuables. The School will not be held responsible for any loss of the above, if kept by a student in violation of this rule. In case any such item is found with the student without our knowledge, it shall be confiscated and will, in no case, be returned. |
The School will not be held responsible for the loss of any clothing due to a student s negligence. |
The School reserves the right to increase the Fees including the Registration fee, Security deposit, Admission fee and the Annual charges at its discretion, as and when the need arises. |
Parents are advised not to meet teachers during their teaching periods. |
To ensure uniformity of shade, quality of cloth as well as tailoring, parents will be required to order items of School uniform from the School Store. Readymade clothing is kept at market price. |
Parents are advised to please inform the School immediately of any change in address or telephone numbers as this becomes crucial in emergencies. |
Persons authorized by parents (in writing) only will be allowed to meet or take the students during holidays. Students are not allowed to go home alone without the parent s written permission. No phone message will be accepted in this regard. Only limited visitors are allowed. |
Parents can meet the Principal on Wednesday's & Friday's between 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by prior appointment. |
The School management reserves the right to change, amend, add or delete any or all of the above rules and regulations, at any time without giving any notice whatsoever. |
I____________________________________________, S/O,
W/O,D/O________________, Resident of_______________________________________________________________
of________________________________Class_____________. |
Please help us help your child's growth and progress.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi |
Early Intervention | Special Education | Speech Therapy | Physiotherapy | Computer Therapy | Pet Therapy | |
Vocational Therapy | Occupational Therapy | Yoga & Meditation | Play & Recreation | What's New? | ||
The School | Rules & Regulations | Students Corner | Photo Gallery | Mother Teresa | Mental Health/Retard | |
Behaviour/Counseling Form | Admission Form | Associate with us | Commendations | Celeb's Support | ||
About Us | Activities | Aim & Objectives | Future Plans | Sponsors | Product Range | Sponsor A Child | |
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Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions Policy | Cancellation & Refund Policy | Disclaimer Policy | |
Mobiles: +(91)-98308 88888, 98300 28888, 98310 28888, 9330028888 | Landline: +(91)-(33)-4007 8889 |